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Learning Disorders


back school happy smiling student draws desk

Dyslexia inhibits the writing and reading ability of nearly 5% of all children and adults. There are many associated features or symptoms which teachers and parents can observe that provide clues to the diagnosis of dyslexia. These include the following: a puzzling gap between written language skills and intelligence; delayed and poor reading and spelling; bizarre spelling; left/right confusion and directional difficulties, sequencing difficulties and poor short-term memory skills (following instructions and repeating digits).

Here are 14 ways to recognise it:

  1. Do you find it difficult telling left from right?
  2. Do you dislike reading aloud?
  3. Is map reading or finding your way to a strange place confusing?
  4. Do you take longer than you should to read a page of a book?
  5. Do you find it difficult to remember the sense of what you have read?
  6. Do you dislike reading long books?
  7. Is your spelling poor?
  8. Is your writing difficult to read?
  9. Do you get confused of you have to speak in public?
  10. Do you mix up the numbers 95 and 59?
  11. Did you find it hard to learn your multiplication tables at school?
  12. Do you find it difficult to do sums in your head without using your fingers or paper?
  13. When using the telephone do you tend to get the number mixed up when you dial
  14. When you have to say a long word, do you sometimes find it difficult to get all the sounds in the right order.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

child bored home while being tutored

The American Psychiatric Association defines a person as having AD/HD if they meet eight or more of the following:

  • When required to remain seated, a person has difficulty doing so
  • Holding attention to a single task at hand or plat activity is difficult.
  • Frequently will hop from one activity to the another, without completing the first.
  • Doesn’t want to or can’t wait for his or her turn when involved in group activities
  • Fidgets or squirms, or feels restless mentally.
  • Easily loses things such as pencils, tools, papers, which may be necessary to complete school or other work.
  • Talks impulsively and excessively.
  • Interrupts others inappropriately, butting in when not invited.
  • Others report that the person doesn’t seem to be listening when spoken to.
  • Can’t play quietly without difficulty.
  • Impulsive jumps into physically dangerous activities without weighing the consequences.
  • Before a question is finished will often interrupt the questioner with an answer.

ADHD is a condition that some people experience which manifests itself through numerous symptoms which may include one or more of the following:

  • hyperactivity
  • impulsiveness
  • distractibility
  • lack of organisation
  • forgetfulness
  • procrastination

The current medical treatment is medication, using drugs such as Ritalin, which is a CNS stimulant, not without risk. Although for some it may seem to be the only treatment, there are those parents and professionals who question the advisability of putting a child on drugs.

Many children on the Autism Spectrum (ASD) gain significant improvement from dietary modification, environmental “clean-up” and targeted nutritional therapy.  If this is an avenue that you have not explored, then – for the sake of your child – please do.

Sharon Erdrich is a trained MINDD practitioner, who can help guide the journey for you and your child.

Related Books:
Beating Dyslexia: A Natural Way – Alan Heath and John Ellis
Healing ADD: Using NLP and other methods to heal from growing up a Hunter in a Farmer’s world – Thom Hartmann
Rediscover the Joy of Learning: With Blackerby’s Academic Success Skills Tips– Dr.Don A Blackerby, PhD.
The Gift of Dyslexia: Why some of the brightest people can’t read and how they can learn -Ronald Davis




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