Summer Sorbet

Summer Sorbet Recipe (Berries)

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Another Summer Favourite for Sorbet Lovers!

Freeze – in 3cm chunks – several ripe bananas in advance (see tip below). Have on hand frozen berries – strawberries, blueberries, rasberries or mixed. When ready to serve, make it fresh – it takes 30 seconds! It’s Berry Good!

  • 1 cup water or coconut water
  • 1½ cups frozen berries
  • 1½ cups frozen bananas
  • 1 cup ice
  • Sweeten to taste – e.g. about 9 drops of vanilla stevia
  1. Put the water or coconut water in your OmniBlender and add the rest of the ingredients.

  2. Have bung out of the hole in the lid of your OmniBlender, and your tamper tool at the ready. Set to 30sec cycle and while blending constantly push the frozen items down towards the blades.
  3. If you have trouble, stop the blender, remove the lid and manually push any ice chunks down to the bottom then whizz up again for 5-10 secs. Ideally your mix will look as if there is a “pillow” of sorbet in each corner of the jug. Impress your visitors by turning the jug upside-down!

  4. Serve immediately.

The longer you blend for, the more melted the ingredients will become.

TIP: use ripe bananas. Peel them and break into chunks. Freeze on baking paper in layers in the freezer, then store in zip-lock bags til you are ready to use them. Enjoy your sorbet!

Dessert, Drinks, Snack
berry, blueberry, rasberry, recipe, sorbet, strawberry



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