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Breast thermography is a safe and painless method of assessing breast health and offers information that no other procedure can provide.

The main difference from a breast cancer screening perspective is that mammograms use x-rays (radiation) to detect tumours or calcifications that are already present, whereas a thermogram is an indicator of abnormalities in the breast and surrounding tissues such as occur when there are abnormal growths – even small ones.

Thermograms measure heat signals from the breast tissue with infra-red cameras to check that the blood supply and tissue in the breast healthy. Blood vessels in breast tissue are naturally cooler and have distinctive patterns. Blood vessels feeding a tumour typically appear before the tumour is big enough to be seen on a mammogram, and they are hotter, largely because they have work to do (feeding the tumour).

Many women prefer thermography because it doesn’t involve any contact or radiation to the breasts and the examination itself is much more comfortable.

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Breast thermography can provide women with a marker for breast health, a risk assessment to guide choices for further investigation, and an opportunity to look at making lifestyle changes. Women who want to take a pro-active approach to their breast health find great value in the additional information provided by thermography.

Studies show that the earliest detection is realised when multiple tests are used together. This multimodal approach includes breast self-examinations, physical breast exams by a medical professional, thermography, ultrasounds, and other tests that may be ordered by the health consultant.

Breast thermography in Auckland is offered at House of Health in Mt Albert – currently every Wednesday. For more information about this service or to book an appointment with our Thermography Technician, Verity Vincent please click here.

How Can Thermography Detect Unhealthy Tissue & Blood Supply in the Breast?

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Verity Vincent is also a Naturopath and Nutritionist and is passionate about working with women through diet, lifestyle and other recommendations to support breast health and overall wellness. You can book a naturopathy consultation with her here.




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