Chocolate Almond Milk
The kids will love this! Try this chocolatey variation on our homemade nut milk.
- Nut milk bag
- OmniBlender
- 1 cup almond milk (Make your own for best quality)
- 4 cups water
- 1 pinch sea salt
- 1/2 – 2 tbsp cacao powder (Be aware that high amounts will increase the bitter factor of your finished product. Start with less and increase to your taste.)
- Soak 1 cup almonds (or other nuts or a mix of nuts) overnight.
Drain the water off and put in the Omniblend with 4 cups water and a pinch of salt. Blend for 60 seconds, then strain through a sieve and then through your nut milk bag. Squeeze out the moisture (save the solids for putting in your bread/muffins).
Add your cacao powder and a pinch of salt.
- Refrigerate and use within 3 days (shake before each use). OR freeze in smaller portions.
Variation: add carob instead of cacao and a little honey/xylitol and have yourself a carob-chocolate milk!
Basic almond milk recipe here
Get your nut milk bag here