Chocolate Salami Bites

Chocolate Salami Bites

This is great for those that love bliss balls, but want something less fiddly to make!

1 cup packed with organic dates
1/2 cup boiling water

Chop dates with water in food processor or OmniBlender and let sit about a minute while you get the other ingredients together. (You could avoid using the boiling water by soaking overnight).

2-3-4 tblsp cocoa

1 tablespoon coconut oil

1/2 cup nuts (+/- linseeds)

1/2 cup dessicated coconut

1/2 tsp ground cinnamon

1/2 tsp vanilla essence
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Blend until everything is mixed in your OmniBlender, using the PULSE function.  You should have a thick paste.
Do a taste check – it should be good, but wait there is more.

Mix in 1/2 cup of chia seeds.
Wait a couple of minutes and it should become a stiff paste.
Sprinkle dessicated coconut over a sheet of lunch wrap  and pour your mixture on top. Mould the mixture into a long sausage (about 3cm in diameter) rolling it in the coconut as you go. Neaten the ends! Roll up in the paper so that you have a sausage with a paper skin and place in the freezer for at least 15 minutes.

Remove from freezer. Unroll your paper and your “chocoate salami” should be pretty solid.  Use a sharp knife to cut into slices, about a centimetre thick.

It’s ready to eat.
Chocolate Salami_sliced
Store in a container in your fridge.
Recipe by Anne Nicholson




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