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Vanilla Almond Butter

Vanilla Almond Butter

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On toast, on your morning porridge, as an ingredient in smoothies, you can’t go wrong with a smooth, creamy, vanilla almond butter! Remember to roast then chill your almonds first, and use pulse mode to get a flour consistency, then add in your coconut oil and vanilla! Dry blending can be tricky! To be safe, monitor the heat of the ingredients (feel the side of the blender jar). If it gets hot, pop the whole jar in the fridge for an hour and let it cool down again.

  • 2 cups roasted unsalted almonds
  • 3 tablespoons refined coconut oil (melted)
  • 3 pitted medjool Dates
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  1. After roasting and chilling your almonds in the fridge, add dry ingredients to your blender using pulse mode. Then add in slowly your coconut oil and vanilla.
Breakfast, Side Dish



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