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Personalised Health Report – Your DNA + Opus23


Personalised health and nutrition information is right here. With your DNA data we will generate a report which can determine the likely impact on your health and your susceptibility to chronic disease. As well as what can be done about it!


  • Equipment for collection of your sample.
  • FedEx to USA
  • Laboratory fee
  • Our analysis fee*
  • Comprehensive reports.

Results appointment required (extra fee applies)

* Initial analysis includes common nutritional SNPs and your top 3 heatlh concerns. Please enquire if you require more.


Get your personlised nutrition analysis based on your own DNA!  We put your DNA data through the powerful Opus23, enabling us to identify where specific diet and nutritional interventions may be of benefit in addressing your health concerns and potential predispositions.

Your DNA is analysed from a simple sample from a cheek swab, that you collect yourself. We use the powerful state-of-the art Opus 23 Pro® informatics platform – the use of advanced artificial intelligence allows us, as clinicians, unique insight into your genomic profile and the ability to customise your reports. Data is regularly updated with latest medical-literature databases and meta-data sets.

Data available on Opus 23 includes over 5,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) – all in one comprehensive functional DNA test. Online results include therapeutic recommendations backed by the latest medical literature from PubMed, GWAS (genome wide association study), dbSNP, HapMap (haplotype map) and several others.

Data gleaned from Opus23® informatics uses the latest medical literature to provide relevant information on nutraceuticals, nutritional supplements, diet, and lifestyle interventions that can proactively influence your SNPs to reduce or prevent disease risk. Furthermore, pharmacogenomic results included in the profile gives you data regarding predicted efficacy of select pharmaceuticals tailored to your genetic make-up.

Advancing personalised healthcare through DNA testing

Opus23provides a global view of the interconnectedness of SNPs and offers access to informatics revealing lifestyle and therapeutic recommendations that may influence the expression and function of a gene.

The role of genomics and epigenetics is recognised as an important tool in monitoring, preventing, and treating dysfunction. Furthermore, medical literature supports that epigenetics (the impact of the environment on gene expression) plays a critical role in human health.1Opus23 allows us to identify how the function or dysfunction of one gene impacts the expression and function of a separately-related gene or SNP. With this we are able to create customised reports using an interactive dashboard that curates your genomic data in “real-time” by using the latest medical-literature databases and meta-data sets

Reports provide information including, but not limited to:

• Detoxification
• Cardiovascular Health
• Methylation
• HPA-Axis
• Metabolic Syndrome
• Mitochondrial Health
• Pharmacogenomics
• Nutrigenomics
• Oestrogen Metabolism
• Sex Hormones
• Aging
• Autoimmunity

(see the images associated with this item for a small representation of the data that is available).

Advantages of DNA testing with Opus23

Get next-level precision medicine. Results allow for:

  • Customisable, real-time informatics that can evaluate one area of health or many in one test
  • Universal SNP analysis, using a simple cheek swab, without costly “add-on” panels
  • Data-driven insights into how a patient may respond to therapeutic or lifestyle changes
  • Constantly updating researched-based data is built in to Opus23 software


  • Opus 23 Pro uses SSL (https) to protect sensitive data during transmission.
  • In addition all data on the Opus 23 server is protected with AEM (Authenticated Encryption Methodologies) encryption that exceeds HIPAA standards

DNA testing for health optimisation

Research has shown that while some SNP’s may be beneficial to patient health, others carry significant health risks. DNA testing equips us with the data analysis and knowledge needed to optimise health on an individual level. By taking into account each patient’s unique genomics, practitioners can be proactive in preventing illness before it begins, and even influence some diseases already in progress.

What are SNPs?

SNP stands for Single Nucleotide Polymorphism and is pronounced “snip”. While most of your genome is virtually identical to anyone else, up to 9% of the genome can vary among individuals. This variation contributes to individual differences in both disease susceptibility and therapeutic responses. SNPs, an important type of genomic variation, make up only a tiny portion of the human genome (0.4%), but because the genome is so enormous, this equals over 12 million locations. The differences or variations at these SNP locations contribute to our uniqueness as individuals.

The power of epigenetics

“Epi” means “above” so epigenetics refers to those things, above and beyond the genes themselves (such as environment, lifestyle, and nutritional factors) that impact how a gene or SNP plays out and so their impact on health can be influenced. Just as a “leaky home” only becomes a problem if and when the weather got in, your “weak DNA” (SNPs) is not necessarily a determinant of disease. Evaluating your DNA for health reasons aids in pin-pointing risks, which then enables risk-reduction through targeted strategies (diet, nutrition, lifestyle, avoidance of specific aggravators).

The implementing strategies based on DNA test results offer dynamic opportunities to alter genetic expression – proving that genes do not equal destiny. We can work together to implement lifestyle changes that can positively influence the impact of risk-carrying SNPs. These highly-personalised strategies can improve patient outcomes and change lives. Noteworthy is the wish of the Health Secretary (UK) for the NHS to have genetic testing available (LINK)

DNA testing advances the application of precision medicine

Many SNPs can influence the odds, or risk, an individual has of developing a specific health condition. When it comes to specific diseases or syndromes, most SNPs carry low risks. Low risk does not mean that a SNP is unworthy of attention, but rather that the findings must be interpreted as part of an integrated whole, including other SNP result findings that the Opus 23 analysis identifies.

Opus23™ provides an unprecedented and comprehensive understanding of a person’s SNP genomics, coupled with an explanation of each SNP, its potential impact on health, and interventions clinical research has shown will impact their expression.

Each report is personalised. It is important that if you want a particular risk factor to be looked at, you need to let us know.

In addition to the Opus23 test, we can also work with raw data from 23andMe and AncestryDNA. Neither provide a complete data-set so do not provide nearly as much information as the Opus23 chip. However, if you have both 23andMe and AncestryDNA we do have access to over 3,000 pieces of genetic information. We will need to know certain things about you, such as your current health challenges, details about your family health-history and what you hope to achieve as the result of this DNA evaluation.

Note that the fees charged here includes the test and licence fee we pay to OPUS 23 and personalised reports based on your top health concerns. For additional reports an additional fee is payable which is based on a estimate of how long it usually takes to review the data and generate the reports. This can be done at any time.

Once we have completed your analysis, you will need to make a 90-minute appointment (for a new client), or 60-minutes if you are an existing client, or call us on 09 846 5566 to make the booking over the phone. The cost of this appointment is in addition to the cost of the DNA test and analysis. If you are unable to get to our Auckland clinic, this appointment can be conducted over Zoom.

REFERENCE: Azam Moosavi and Ali Motevalizadeh Ardekani, “Role of Epigenetics in Biology and Human Diseases,” 2016, (accessed 04 December 2019).

Weight 0.2 kg
Dimensions 22 × 6 × 26 cm


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