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Achieving Optimal Health

House of Health 24

Living with Good Health

Are you achieving optimal health? Good health is far more than merely being free of any symptoms of disease. Good health is a state of optimum energy and vibrant well-being in a body that is functioning in maximum balance and efficiency.
Article by Sharon Erdrich

Fighting Disease vs Building Health

Heart in hand.jpg

The traditional approach to disease over the last 50 years in orthodox medicine has been the allopathic one; the symptom treatment approach, very much driven by the pharmaceutical industry. For a headache, your doctor might recommend paracetamol. When infected, you are given an antibiotic. When allergic, you are prescribed an antihistamine. When cancer is present, radiation, chemotherapy or surgery are employed to kill the cancerous tumour. In short, modern medicine is oriented toward fighting disease by attacking the symptom.

The ever-expanding arsenal of modern medicine is impressive, as is the sums of money spent on medication annually.  And as miraculous as the efforts of crisis medicine are, as amazing as the new discoveries of medical research continue to be, modern medicine is only successful in less than 20% of the ailments that afflict mankind. The other 80% generally fall under the category of degenerative conditions, including cancer, diabetes, arthritis, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis, and for all these dis – eases (and more) the allopathic approach of orthodox medicine can boast success at the rate of little to none. At best the sufferer may have some alleviation of symptoms but at risk of developing new, drug-induced ones. 

The Ability to Heal

Life in a state of health is a process of constant rejuvenation and regeneration. When degenerative diseases develop they are the result of the life-sustaining processes of regeneration falling into processes of degeneration. They are an indication that the body is failing in its own metabolic (life-sustaining) activities. Therefore, in a degenerative disease, there is no outside invader for modern medicine to fight with its awe-inspiring arsenal of high technology and drugs. Suppressing a symptom through drugs does nothing toward eliminating the cause(s) of degeneration, nor does it aid regeneration or the restoration of good health.

Whether  you have a headache, an infection, an allergy, a digestive problem, or a cancerous tumour, it is an indication of a more basic underlying cause: imbalance and inefficiency. You can take an antibiotic to fight an infection, but why did the infection develop at all? You can take an antihistamine to suppress the sneezing symptoms of an allergy, but why did the body react in that way in the first place? You can have surgery to remove a tumour, but what caused it to develop in the first instance? . . And, if it developed once, can’t it develop again if its cause is not eliminated?

From a natural health viewpoint , diseases are considered symptoms or expressions of underlying imbalances. We know that genetics and genetic expression are important, and we have tools to evaluate this as well.   Rather than focusing exclusively on the disease, we can start to address the underlying cause, or causes. With DNA data we can use current understanding of genetic expression (epigenetics) to tailor treatment to the individual.

Finding the right answers necessarily requires that right questions be asked.
Unfortunately, in the allopathic, symptom-treatment approach, the more fundamental questions concerning how to become healthy and how to stay healthy remain unaddressed . . . and unanswered:

  • What allowed my condition to develop in the first place?
  • How might I have prevented it from developing?
  • How can I regain my health?
  • How can I obtain optimum health?
  • Once regained, how can I keep my good health?

While medicine is traditionally concerned with fighting disease, the focus of natural medicne and nutritional programs at House of Health is on building and maintaining your good health.

Building Health

Disease both results from, and is a state of, physiological and biochemical imbalance and metabolic inefficiency.

Health is a state of, and the result of, biochemical balance, metabolic efficiency and psychological & mental integrity . . . on all levels: cellular, organ/glandular, and systemic.

Our cells are the key: Our bodies are comprised of trillions of cells; heart cells, blood cells, bone cells, brain cells, liver cells, etc. Our bodies contain over 100 trillion cells! Compare that number to seconds of time – by the time 100 trillion seconds had passed which is written like this 100,000,000,000,000 we’d be more than 3 million years into the future!  To be healthy, the metabolism within our cells must function normally. Thus the cell’s efficiency at producing energy is crucial to good health.

When optimum energy is produced by a cell, then it has the capacity to fulfill its many functions involving regeneration, detoxification, and its unique, genetically programmed role (such as might be had by a heart cell, a liver cell, a muscle cell, a brain cell, a nerve cell, and so on). If cells have the energy to efficiently fulfill their functions, then the organs or glands that they make up can fulfill their functions. And, if the organs and glands have the energy to efficiently fulfill their functions, then the systems they comprise can efficiently carry out their functions. For example, the strength and efficiency of the immune system depends on the strength and efficiency of the organs that comprise it. Thus the strength and efficiency of those organs depend on the strength and efficiency of the cells of those immune organs. And the strength and efficiency of the immune organs’ cells depend in great part on the energy they are able to produce.

Literally every aspect of our lives, whether it is thinking a thought, feeling an emotion, taking a walk, singing a song, chewing food, our hearts pumping, our stomachs contracting and digesting food, the immune system attacking cancer cells – everything requires energy.

When our bodies are efficient in the creation, maintenance and control of energy, good health is the natural, normal result.

It is normal to be healthy; to have radiant, abundant energy; to be free from disease. Why? . . . because our cells know how to be perfect. They know exactly what to do and how to go about doing it in order to be healthy. But when we are inefficient in the creation, maintenance and control of energy, then biochemical imbalance; cellular, organ, and system inefficiency; loss of homoeostasis (balance and harmony in the body); and are unable to adapt to our environment . . . disease is the result.

Energy plays a vital role in any issue of health and disease. The life-sustaining processes of the body are known as metabolism and are fueled by an energy exchange – the body converts air (oxygen taken in through our lungs), water, light ( through the skin and eyes) and food (nutrition) into energy. The efficiency of all body systems is highly dependent upon proper nutritional balance, without which our bodies are unable to manufacture the energy that is needed for our numerous the life-sustaining processes.

What constitutes proper nutrition? Unfortunately, the medical establishment has little to offer in the way of an answer to this question other than the profound pronouncement that we should eat regularly and that we should eat (the same) well-balanced diet. Read more about nutrition here.

What is a well-balanced meal? Is it a piece of cake in each hand?? What constitutes a balanced diet is where the field of nutrition becomes confusing. From the testimonials from friends, from the hype in the market place, from the endless books on the subject in libraries and health food stores, from the opinions of experts and even from seemingly contradictory scientific research on nutrition, one point is painfully clear: WHAT WORKS FOR ONE PERSON, HAS LITTLE OR NO EFFECT ON ANOTHER, AND OFTEN MAKES A THIRD PERSON WORSE. And the myths are bountiful. Here are just a few myths explored.

Many people have already found from their own experience that someone can eat the best organic foods, exercise regularly, drink plenty of fluids, get sufficient rest, take the finest nutritional supplements that money can buy and still not feel well! And in some instances feel even worse than before!

Why is this? How can this be? According to Dr. Roger Williams, biochemist and discoverer of pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), the reason is due to our biochemical individuality. Almost all the books that have been written concerning nutrition, many of them contradicting other books on the same subject, are probably all correct . . . but only for a certain classification of biochemical individuality.

People are all individual – all very different.  This is a guiding factor in the wholistic approach to health.  To be able to tailor the individual health recovery program to the individual.  We believe that nutrition ana an optimally functioning digestive system form the two cornerstones of great health. Work with us – we can support you to achieve it!




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